Great pic, just wanted to share. Tells us just about all we need to know &
 remember about 
Spanking & Domestic Discipline.

A Picture Worth A Thousand Words

There is something to be said for the effectiveness in our Domestic Discipline home of a significant handful of Spanking Tools that come in the form of everyday items. That chair in The Corner not only is a symbol of relationship, but also is a sign that behavior is reinforced when Daddy pulls out that Chair or makes me go sit on it for a Time Out.
No Words Needed to
Explain What This Chair is for?

When he pulls out The Chair, I know I'm going to be upturned over his knee for a bottom warming.

When he points to it, I know I will be punished with a Time Out.

And then there are all sorts of other things around our home that are not clearly for Spanking, but that's precisely how they are used. I was on SpankerrCristian's FB page the other day and blammo...the image said more than a thousand words ever could!

See image on the right here --> 

Isn't this just great!?

Ultimately, Daddy doesn't like breaking shoes or wooden spoons we need for walking or cooking, so sometimes I have to go get one of The Paddles that he keeps in an umbrella bin.

Over time in our DD relationship, we've slowly added gifts from friends (particularly Gray and Miles from Vancouver) and the great, generous guys from Camp Red Tails who want us to have everything we need for a sound Domestic Discipline retinue of Spanking options. 

This has resulted in the aforementioned umbrella bin. 
We call it Daddy's Toolkit or Toolchest! 
When they see it in The Corner of our bedroom, do the workmen fixing the air conditioning unit wonder, "Now, what are those things for?"


Updated, Dec 6, 2017, 
@SirDomsubmale posted this image and this message on his Tumblr page and it reminded me of the post above. Check out how he frames the value of "leaving the Spanking Tools out."

Behinder Reminders:
Leaving the Spanking Tools Out

"Sir proudly displays this paddle out in the open in one of our houses. I always wonder if visitors not in the lifestyle wonder about it or know what it’s for and don’t say anything. I wonder if they know Sir uses it to Spank me on my bare bottom until I cry real tears. 

I wonder if they ever asked if Sir would say it’s there in case he needs to get to it quickly to correct someone who has been naughty or would he say it’s there for a game of paddle ball (despite there being only one paddle there).
I don’t think it’s appropriate to leave it out like that.
It is embarrassing to me without question.
But I don’t dare touch it or move it."

We're making a home where this adult (little boy's) bottom gets Spanked. 



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