"This web blog is dedicated to all those underappreciated (and underpaid) professional educators who care deeply for their students both personally as well as academically and are willing, when all other options fail, to use corporal punishment to deter classroom misbehavior."
OK, I'll admit it. The words caught me completely off guard. I came upon this rather random site completely by accident while looking up images for the blog. I clicked on a completely innocuous image, and "Teachers Who Paddle" came up! 

The TWP discussion resource group is [sic "was"] "not a site that promotes sadism or the abuse of any student nor tolerates comments that support such a view. However, it is TWP’s opinion that the use of corporal punishment, if used judiciously, moderately, and sparingly, is not abusive."

Probably the most surprising element of the now-defunct Teachers Who Paddle blog was their paddle recommendations for paddling 3rd to 5th grade schoolboys. To administer these paddlings, they searched for an expert paddle maker. In good time,
they found Reb's paddles (now, unfortunately out of business)! Reb was a M/m paddle manufacturer who had quite a presence on the internet going I think as far back as the 1990s. According to these lady teachers, Reb's paddles for adults were apparently awesome. So awesome, in fact, that these teachers recommended purchasing his paddles for adults to discipline schoolboys! 

OK, flawed logic there, I realize. So, I'll let this group of former University of Alabama cheerleaders* explain...

"Welcome to our little blog! This blog teacherswhopaddle was started in August 2008 and continued through early November 2010. The four of us (Jenny, Wendy, Michelle and Blog Editor Renee) originally set out to give a teacher’s perspective on a very difficult issue––school corporal punishment––and ended up with one of the most viewed blogs in the wordpress community. In late 2010, the four of us decided that 113 posts were enough and discontinued writing new posts.

"But like t.v. stars after the airing of the final episode of a t.v. series, we were just not satisfied with the fact that ALL future viewers would see the last post as the blog’s home page. So, I (Renee) decided to “rework” and “reorder” our blog so you, our readers, can read and better understand what we are all about...First, this is an “inactive” blog. By that, we mean that there is no posting of or replies to reader comments. The reason: The four of us have families and careers to tend to and that’s all we care to handle! Secondly, for those who wish to be a part of a dialogue: Check out the link NETWORK54 on our blogroll. It IS active and there are a LOT of forums. (Be forewarned: If you are a ranting anti c.p. zealot, be ready to back up whatever you say because the Network54 folks can give as good as they get!)

Hope y’all find our posts insightful, informative, touching and heartening.
"Dear Readers: The following blog may make some people very uncomfortable- especially those who are totally opposed to corporal punishment. While it is not our intention to upset anyone, the issue of the use of the paddle needs to include coverage of actual implements and frank descriptions of techniques.".


"It has come to our attention by one of our dear readers that the link REB’s PADDLES is a 'spanking fetish' consensual adult site. We at TWP understood this but wanted to set up a way that you, our readers, could see what various paddle types we talk about actually look like. Neither this blog nor the link in any way endorses or seeks to promote any fetish. Our purpose has been and will always be to give a different perspective on the issue of corporal punishment in U.S. schools.

"(02/07/2009) It has come to TWP’s attention that the “Reb’s Paddle” link no longer works. This post will be retained for its original purpose as stated above."


This section deals with the actual implements used in corporal punishment in school. The names of various paddles are from our links with Reb’s Paddles or Office playground. These are internet sites whose paddles we rated from HIGHLY INAPPROPRIATE to HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. Our criteria was based on the following: LENGTH, WIDTH,THICKNESS, and IMPACT.

COACH: This is by far the largest paddle we could find on the internet as the best example of the worst possible paddle one could use. This monster comes very close to the one mentioned by Ted Gup in his story in Salon.com a few years ago. The measurements are 27″x 4″x 1/2,″ and we at TWP consider this HIGHLY INAPPROPRIATE for corporal punishment at any level. Finally, the IMPACT is so severe and bruising that any educator that contemplates using it should be stopped if other educators want the general corporal punishment policy to be retained. (www.reb-online.com/coach.htm)

18″: This paddle, the “little brother of Coach” is not much better and worst of all, is the most common paddle type used in schools today. The measurements are 18″x3 1/2″ x 1/2″ and we at TWP believe that any paddle close to this size is HIGHLY INAPPROPRIATE. Like “Coach,” the IMPACT of this paddle is too severe and bruising. Also, using this paddle opens educators up to the accusation of abuse. (www.reb-online.com/18.htm)

SCHOOL HOUSE: The idiot who invented this monstrosity had to have been a sadistic sicko- certainly not a teacher! Its measurements are 25 1/2″x 2 1/2″ x 1/2″ and because of that, TWP’s grade is HIGHLY INAPPROPRIATE. The IMPACT is actually worse, not because of the holes, but rather the narrowness which would leave a horizontal bruise “stripe” across the buttocks. That and the holes are good only for wrecking careers and lawsuits. (www.reb-online.com/schoolhouse.htm)

TAKE ALONG: This strangely named paddle is o.k. if used carefully and applied to older elementary children such as 5th or 6th grade. The measurements are 11″x 4″x 1/2″ and because of its thickness being 1/2″, TWP’s assessment is MODERATE and the decision should be left to the individual educator. The IMPACT will be some redness but if the number of swats is minimized (no more than 3), there should be little residual effects other than a bit of soreness for about an hour.(www.reb-online.com/takealong.htm)

THIN: This paddle is the favorite of the contributors to this blog who all teach 3rd to 5th grade. The measurements are 13 1/2 “x3 1/2″x 1/4″ and the best quality of this paddle is that it is indeed thin! While the IMPACT will certainly leave a sharp sting, no bruising will occur except perhaps to the ego. TWP’s only wish is that the THIN was a little wider instead of 3 1/2 “. Still, the thin gets TWP’s HIGHLY RECOMMENDED ranking.(www.reb-online.com/thin.htm)

PADDLEBALL: The only paddle not made by reb’s paddles, we had to really search for this one. A teacher friend of ours who teaches preK showed us her little paddle but could not tell where it came from since she got it from another teacher who left for a position out of state. This cute paddle is meant only for prek to 2nd grade and, because of the light and thin balsa wood, should be double or triple layered to prevent breaking. Even then, the IMPACT will be only a lite sting with no chance of bruising if used with just one or two pops.

The measurements are 8″x5″x1/5″ and the single layer thickness is an estimate. TWP’s rating is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED and who knows- maybe a single taste of this paddle will deter the little terrors from behaving badly in school later!


HOLES: We at TWP have heard all the rhetoric about air resistance, increased velocity, and added “sting” and this line of thinking leads to legal trouble and ruined careers- just ask any of the teachers who are mentioned in http://www.corpun.com.

DOUBLE HANDED HANDLES: This should be a joke but is not. Any teacher who uses a two handed grip on a paddle should not be working in education period! Enough said!

SHARP EDGES/CORNERS: One of our contributors took a second look at her THIN-like paddle and decided to smooth out the corners a bit more. That ought to show all of you readers what kind of people we really are-CARING and SENSITIVE towards our “kids.”


Even though we at TWP really do care about our charges, when the time arises that requires corporal punishment, we use reasonable but firm techniques. Unfortunately, not all educators do so and we have addressed four techniques below- 2 BAD and 1 GOOD with 3 POSITIONS as well.


SLEDGEHAMMER: Unbelievable but true, this method involves a child bent over a couch or across a table and the administrator holding a large paddle with both hands like a construction site sledgehammer high above his/her head and bring said paddle downward with maximum force. This can only bruise and should be stopped by witnesses and prohibited by school board policy.

BASEBALL GRAND SLAM: Like SLEDGEHAMMER, this is something only a moron for a teacher would consider- Swinging a paddle like a baseball bat with both hands. This is too extreme and no witness should allow this type of technique to be used- much less school board policy!


TENNIS SWING: The only method endorsed by TWP, it is what it is called- a tennis racket-like swing about 90 degrees from start to impact and parallel with floor. Also, teacher should use only single handed grip of paddle with other hand on lower back of recipient. The hand on lower back will prevent an accidental blow to any area other than the intended target-the buttocks. In addition, if recipient ducks or turns, the teacher will detect that in time to stop the paddle swing and avoid an accident.


OVER THE KNEE: The classical Spanking position is not recommended by TWP for school corporal punishment but is not unheard of with the youngest children. The teacher mentioned with the PADDLEBALL paddle did use this sometimes but never more than a couple of times.

BEND OVER CHAIR: When a child needs to grip something, this is best and as an extra benefit, the hands are less likely to flail back-thereby avoiding injury. Regardless, both teacher and witness need to watch out for the hands.

BEND OVER WITH HANDS AGAINST WALL: Better than previous, this position works best with older kids. The best advantage is that no chair is needed and the child’s hands are watched more easily by the witness.

MEMO TO COLIN FARRELL: I (Renee) received your email and critique. I understand your “difference” of opinion and respect it. This post was originally published in late 2008 and reflects our limited knowledge of c.p. in the rest of the world. The post below is probably our most mediocre we ever wrote. A conclusion of yours I DO agree with: Both the paddle and the cane CAN be abusively used. One can be just as bad as the other -Abuse is abuse!

Dear Readers: As we finish the last of the Thanksgiving Dinner leftovers, we at TWP have noticed some statements by the anti-c.p. crowd that requires a response. Please understand that we DO NOT disregard other people’s opinions about the issue of corporal punishment. We believe that all RESPECTFUL opinions are valid and when we disagree with our readers, we simply will agree to disagree. However, when we see misleading statements or prejudicial rants- we will respond by way of this blog.

The anti-c.p. agitators are fond of citing the fact that corporal punishment in schools has been banned by about 130 countries worldwide. When we first received an email stating this “fact,” we were a little surprised- not at the numeric figure but rather that there are people who actually tally these numbers! (Personally, I think those folks have WAY too much time on their hands and need to get a REAL job-like teaching!- RENEE) Then, I (Renee) decided to do a “fact check” using one of TWP’s links (World Corporal Punishment Research) to find out the whole truth.

The way c.p. has been or is carried out in other countries is very different from anything done in the U.S. Fact is, outside of the U.S. and a few private Canadian schools, corporal punishment means the cane or strap- not the paddle. But a recipient of a diatribe from the anti-c.p. crowd will never receive that disclaimer. They instead lump all c.p. together as the SAME thing.

The reality is that c.p. is different in severity in other countries. The cane and strap, as c.p. tools, are very different from school paddles. If you do not believe us, go to the aforementioned site and see for yourselves. The pictures of welts from the cane will surely turn your stomach. The cane was used in the U.S. early in our nations history due to the influence of British customs on the American colonists dating before the Revolutionary War. Later, the cane fell out of favor and the strap also would also disappear to be replaced by the paddle. Of all of these, the paddle is the least severe if used as recommended in our posts OUR MISSION and IMPLEMENTS AND TECHNIQUES.


There are only 21 states that allow c.p. in public schools and at least one, New Jersey, that has outlawed c.p. in private schools as well. The “paddling states” all allow c.p. with varying restrictions and the local school boards all have the final discretion on if to use or not use corporal punishment. Most large urban districts in “paddling” states have banned c.p. The only way to be sure if a particular county or parish has a c.p. policy is to check with the principal of the school in question.


There is a DIFFERENCE between c.p. in the rest of the world and the U.S.A. But you would never know this by reading the anti-c.p. emails that we at TWP receive on a weekly basis. For the record- We at TWP feel that caning is WAY too harsh and agree that such c.p. does not belong in a school setting. Ditto for the strap. However, TWP believes the paddle to be a more moderate option and our posts mentioned above are a good info source for usage do’s and do not’s. In fact, it is our opinion that countries which have banned the cane/strap c.p. should take a second look at the “American” way and consider the paddle option. Of course, that is just our opinion!

*If only you could of seen the look on Jenny and Wendy’s faces as they sang the University of Alabama alma mater at the Monday morning faculty meeting- payback for the prior two years to Michelle, our very own ex-Crimson Tide Cheerleader. To rub it in, Michelle has worn every Alabama sweater she owns ALL WEEK LONG! Mr. Smith, our principal, did put his foot down on the cheerleading uniform stating,”I could care less if it still fits!…Teachers are to dress professionally!” (Giggle) Oh, well!


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